Sunday 14 August 2011

Putting it all together.

Wiring, lots of it. Started off by installing the tube sockets.

Ran the filament wires, the DC wires for the fan and for the indicator LED on the front panel.

Installed the input jacks.

Removed any wires on my power transformer that I didn't need (International Voltage Windings).
I cut and sealed off the ends with heatshrink, and tucked the wires into the end bells.

Installed the power transformer.

Output Jack and Transformer wired to a piece of terminal strip

Added the front panel controls.

Tube socket prep work.

The signal board. The less soldering I have to do in the chassis, the better off I'll be.

Installed the signal board, things getting messy inside. Next time, I'd get a bigger chassis.

All wired up.

SO. The Results!
Well I put power to it slowly when I was wiring. Filaments are good, DC voltages are good on the LED and fan circuit.
The B+ is around 320V where I planned for it to be. However, by measurements, I'm running the EL84 at around 44W total plate dissipation and it should be 12W... Oops?. It turns a nice cherry red right now and I'm surprised nothing has burnt on me yet.
So I'm redoing the power supply.
If things work the first time, you've done something wrong. Completely normal for things NOT to work the first time.

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